ēquilia: an innovative project for the mental health of French-speaking minority communities.

Mental health, once confined to the shadows of public discourse compared to physical health, has become an essential concern in Canada's social fabric. As a nation known for its rich cultural diversity and progressive values, Canada has...

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New webinar series: For adapted perinatal care

Join us in person or online for our new webinar series, "For culturally adapted perinatal care", from June 21 to July 12.

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Estelle Ethier appointed as the Chef Executive Officer of the Institut du Savoir Montfort

The Board of Directors of the Institut du Savoir Montfort (ISM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Estelle Ethier, Erg (Ont), MEd, MBA, as Chief Executive Officer of the Institut du Savoir Montfort and Vice President of Research and Education at Hôpital Montfort, starting May 1st 2023.   

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L’Institut du
Savoir Montfort

Since its creation in 2015, the Institut du Savoir Montfort (ISM) has established itself as a Canadian leader in francophone research and education. Its unique model, based on the collaboration between researchers and teachers, facilitates the creation and transmission of knowledge. The ultimate goal: to improve the world of healthcare and the healthcare for the world.

GovernanceAnnual ReportsThe strategy


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Institut du Savoir Montfort, the Knowledge Institute, is a privileged environment to discover, learn and progress for the benefit of a healthy Canadian Francophonie and ultimately all Canadians.


We are proud to present ourselves as a pillar in the mobilization and enhancement of knowledge for the benefit of the health of French-speaking Canadian communities. Together, we develop tailored and proven approaches to improve the performance of professionals, practices and systems.