Useful links for the Ethics Board

Online tutorials

Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2): CORE-Tutorial (Course on Research Ethics)

  • This is a free online tutorial.  A certificate of completion is available for printing.
  • It is recommended that all persons involved in research ethics involving humans follow it.

See tutorial

Tutorial In human subject protection:

  • This online tutorial is free. A certificate of completion is provided.
  • This training is about protecting human subjects in NIH research. It is required for all applications for federal funding for research involving human subjects in the United States (in English only).

See tutorial

Ministry of Health and Social Services

  • This tutorial “was developed specifically for research ethics board (REB) members and support staffs who works in the institutions of the Québec health and social services network.”

See tutorial

TRREE is headed by a consortium of interested persons from Northern and Southern countries. It aims to provide basic training, while building capacities, on the ethics of health research involving humans so that research meets highest standards of ethics and promotes the welfare of participants.

TRREE provides free-of-charge access to:

  • e-Learning: a distance learning program and certification on research ethics evaluation
  • e-Resources: a participatory web-site with international, regional and national regulatory and policy resources

See training

This site offers training and certification on biobanks.

See training

Key documents

  1. TCPS 2 (2022)
  2. International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects (CIOMS, 2003)
  3. Guidance for industry: Good clinical Practice Consolidated guideline – International Conference on Harmonization Topic E6
  4. The Nuremberg Code (1947)
  5. World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki (updated Oct. 2013)
  6. Belmont Report. Report of the U.S. National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. April 18, 1979.
  7. Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans

Ressources by geographic areas

  1. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I, Annexe B of the Constitution Act, 1982
  2. Canadian Legislation relating to Health Research (several titles):

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