Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2): CORE-Tutorial (Course on Research Ethics)
Tutorial In human subject protection:
Ministry of Health and Social Services.
TRREE is headed by a consortium of interested persons from Northern and Southern countries. It aims to provide basic training, while building capacities, on the ethics of health research involving humans so that research meets highest standards of ethics and promotes the welfare of participants.
TRREE provides free-of-charge access to:
This site offers training and certification on biobanks.
Information on the governance of ethics of research in Québec:
Ressources en anglais seulement
Council of Europe : Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (CETS No. 164) (Council of Europe, 1997)
Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS)
World Medical Association (WMA)
World Health Organization (WHO)